Attorneys for Hit-and-Run Charges Serving Illinois

Attorneys for Hit-and-Run Charges Serving Illinois Image

Stopping when there has been an accident is not just polite. It’s the law. When a driver flees the scene of an accident, whether it was their fault or not, they are opening themselves up to a world of legal trouble. A hit-and-run accident, depending on the severity of the resulting injuries, can cost an individual hefty fines, the loss of their license, and even serious prison time.

Too often, those involved in hit-and-run accidents don’t fully understand the magnitude of their situation. This means that they wait to get experienced legal representation on their side. Don’t wait for the criminal and financial consequences to come crashing down on you.

If you have been charged with leaving the scene of an accident, contact the Illinois criminal traffic violation lawyers of Bruno Law Offices immediately. You have rights, and they need to be protected. Call us today at (217) 328-6000, and let’s talk about how we may be able to help you.

Table Of Contents

    What Is a Hit-and-Run Accident?

    A hit-and-run accident is typically defined as an accident that involves a driver that collides with another individual and then leaves the scene without stopping to identify themselves, exchange information, or give aid to those that may be injured. Often people think of hit-and-run accidents are being between two drivers. However, an accident can also be considered a hit-and-run if a driver collides with a pedestrian, cyclist, parked car, private property, or any other stationary object.

    If an individual hits a parked car and then leaves without trying to contact the owner or leave a note, technically, that is a hit-and-run crime. Even a minor hit-and-run accident can trigger potentially serious legal consequences.

    According to an estimate from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2015, there were 737,100 hit-and-run accidents in the U.S. That means that a hit-and-run accident took place every 43 seconds. When those drivers are caught, they can face extensive legal and civil penalties that can take years to fully recover from.

    Penalties for Hit-and-Run Accidents

    Attorneys for Hit-and-Run Charges Serving Illinois Image 2A hit-and-run accident is considered serious in the state of Illinois. The consequences can range from the loss of your driver’s license to fines and even jail time, depending on the severity of the accident. Penalties for a hit-and-run accident can be as follows:

    Leaving the Scene of an Accident with Property Damage

    • Class A misdemeanor
    • Fines up to $2,500
    • Up to 24 months of probation
    • Up to 1 year in jail
    • Suspension of driver’s license for property damage over $1,000

    Leaving the Scene of an Accident with Personal Injury or Death

    • Class 4 felony
    • Fines up to $25,000
    • Between 1 and 3 years in jail
    • Revocation of driver’s license

    Leaving the Scene of an Accident with Personal Injury or Death

    • If the individual also fails to report the accident to authorities, the violation may be a Class 2 felony
    • Fines up to $25,000
    • Between 3 and 7 years in prison
    • Revocation of driver’s license

    Leaving the Scene of an Accident with Personal Injury or Death

    • If the individual also fails to report the accident to authorities and death occurs, the violation may be a Class 1 felony
    • Fines up to $25,000
    • Between 4 and 15 years in prison
    • Revocation of driver’s license

    In addition to these serious criminal penalties, being involved in a hit-and-run accident can also open an individual up to civil penalties as well. The victim of the crash may retain legal counsel and sue the individual who left the accident for damages. This can leave the hit-and-run driver on the hook for enormous medical costs, lost income, and property damage all paid to the other individual. You may end up having two days in court, one for the criminal portion of the accident and one for civil penalties related to the accident.

    Another financial consequence of a hit-and-run accident that people rarely consider is the loss of their car insurance policy. Many companies will choose to cancel your policy if you are found guilty of a hit-and-run offense. In the event that you keep your policy, you may be facing a steep increase in the amount of your monthly premiums.

    A hit-and-run can also damage your personal and professional reputation and leave you with a conviction that may make it more difficult to find a job or housing in the future. If you have been involved in a hit-and-run accident, you need a defense attorney that can mount a strong legal defense on your behalf. Contact Bruno Law Offices immediately and let us get started by protecting your rights and reviewing your situation. You have legal options, and we can help you sort through them.

    Contact Bruno Law Offices Today

    A hit-and-run conviction can restrict your mobility, cost you financially, and even take away your freedom. You could end up with a black mark on your criminal record that could impact your ability to go to school, find a job, and secure housing. Having a hit-and-run on your record can ruin your reputation.

    Don’t go into this situation without legal representation. You have rights, and an experienced defense attorney can help protect them. At Bruno Law Offices, we are committed to taking the time to listen to your story. We can lay out all your legal options in a straightforward way and come up with a defense strategy that has the best potential for a positive outcome.

    Don’t go up against these types of charges on your own. Reach out and talk to a seasoned attorney with Bruno Law Offices for help. Call us today at (217) 328-6000, and let’s talk about how we may be able to help you.