Aron Ralston in jail for suspicion of domestic violence

Posted on Sunday, December 15th, 2013 at 5:36 pm    

Thirty-eight-year-old Aron Ralston, the man whose inspiring story of cutting his right forearm off to save his life after being caught by a boulder in a Utah canyon, prompting the movie 127 Hours, has been incarcerated in the Denver County jail since the night of Saturday, December 7 on suspicion of domestic violence. A Denver Police Department spokeswoman told Reuters she was not at liberty to divulge important information about the case.

However, according to court records, Ralston is facing two criminal charges: assault and “wrongs to minors.” As people charged with domestic violence are not allowed to pay bail to leave prison before a court appearance, Ralston must remain in jail until he sees a judge.

Our lawyers at the Bruno Law Offices provide skilled criminal defense to people in Champaign who have been charged with criminal offense. Whether you are facing domestic violence charges or another offense, call us at (217) 328-6000 today to discuss how we can help build you a strong defense.