My client is not a South Side gang leader – defense lawyer

Posted on Thursday, September 15th, 2016 at 12:57 pm    

Gregory Chester is one of six defendants who are on trial for racketeering and other charges for being allegedly leaders of the Hobos gang in South Side in Chicago, Illinois that federal prosecutors say killed and tortured their way to gain control of the city’s drug markets; another is Paris Poe.

In his trial, which began last Wednesday, September 14, defense attorney Beau Brindley said that Chester was not a gang leader but a small-town drug pusher who was framed by the police when he refused to reveal the real gang leaders. Brindley said Chester, who was born with physical disabilities, sold drugs to people that he knew, but that he was not a gang leader.

If you are facing criminal charges in Champaign or other areas of Illinois, contact our team at Bruno Law Offices for aggressive representation. Call our offices at (217) 328-6000.